Coat of Arms
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Family Newspaper
Family Newspaper

F a m i l y   N e w s p a p e r


At least one family newspaper is published annually by the family association.
The information booklet (family journal) is entitled

                 “Notifications of the Family Association Muenker / Minker”.

Since 1967 up to now 49 numbers are published, the last issue (No.49) came out  in October 2006. These newspapers inform the members about current researches and results, likewise plannings as e.g. “Muenker and Minker all over the world” (at present it gives already first connections with name bearers in the USA and Canada). Contributions of members, reports from family days, various family news and many other interesting informations can be read also.




Created: 03.11.2001 / Last revision: 19.11.2006

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