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F a m i l y   N a m e:  O r i g i n   a n d   M e a n i n g


Origin and meaning of the surname Muenker can be explained at the emergence of the name
on the “
Münkerhof”" (Muenker yard) most clearly.

Already 1166 the Countess Hildegunde of Liedberg and Meer with its possession created the Yard federation Meer and its main yard, the “Münkerhof”. Around 1500 the name of the yard tenant is indicated as Monicker, i.e. the yard tenant was in the service of the monks or the monastery respectively. During  the Middle Ages one spoke of a “Moenchshof” (monk’s yard)
or a “Munchshof”.

From the Lower German way of writing the designation “Munckhof” and “Moenickerhof” resulted then. Therefore the meaning of the name Muenker is to deduce from the earlier (old) spelling Monicker, i.e. who was called in such a way, was in the service of the monks. In the case of the Muenker yard the same was the "monk yard manager".

The way of writing in the 17th and 18th century then changed

Monicker and Moncker over Muncker to Müncker.

Starting from the middle of the 18th century the name was written without “ck”, thus Münker.

This name assertion mentioned applies also to the other two family trunks in the Siegerland and
in Hesse. By means of dialect influence in Hesse and in East Prussia the way of writing Minker arised.

Since beginning of the emigration to North America the spellings Muenker, Minker and Minkert were introduced in the English-speaking world. The country of origin of these name bearers is exclusively Germany with the main areas Siegerland and Upper Hesse.

The name "Munker" belongs to a family from Franconia and is not related to the surname Muenker!


Created: 18.10.2001

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